Term: Backcasting Scenarios

Short Form: Backcast Scenarios

Definition: Backcasting scenarios is a strategic planning and forecasting method that starts with a desired future outcome and works backward to identify the steps and strategies needed to achieve that outcome. It is a forward-looking approach that helps organizations set goals and create action plans based on a vision of their preferred future, rather than extrapolating from current conditions.

Application: Backcasting scenarios are often used in sustainability planning, urban development, and corporate strategy to envision and plan for a more sustainable and desirable future. This method encourages creative thinking and innovation by challenging conventional assumptions and identifying novel pathways to reach predefined objectives.


  1. Sustainable Transportation: A city government employs backcasting scenarios to reduce carbon emissions by 50% in 2030. They start by imagining the city with efficient public transport, electric vehicles, and cycling infrastructure, then develop strategies to make that vision a reality.
  2. Corporate Sustainability: A multinational corporation uses backcasting scenarios to set a goal of becoming carbon-neutral by 2040. They work backward to determine how to source renewable energy, reduce waste, and implement sustainable supply chain practices.
  3. Climate Resilience: An environmental NGO employs backcasting scenarios to create a vision of a community resilient to climate change impacts. They then identify strategies for flood mitigation, green infrastructure, and community education to achieve that vision.

Key Characteristics:

Significance: Backcasting scenarios are significant because they empower organizations and communities to proactively shape their desired future, especially in the context of sustainability and long-term planning. By starting with a clear vision and working backward, they can identify innovative approaches, prioritize actions, and drive positive change.

Related Terms:

  1. Forecasting: A traditional method of predicting future outcomes based on historical data and trends.
  2. Scenario Planning: A strategic planning technique that considers various plausible future scenarios to make informed decisions.
  3. Visioning: A process of collectively imagining and articulating a desired future state for an organization or community.