The ‘Creative Pact for Skills Manifesto’ is now ready for endorsement. As outlined in the closing statement of the document,

all the organisations that support the Creative Pact for Skills Manifesto recognise the importance of thriving talents and skilled workers in the European Cultural and Creative Industries ecosystem and all its sectors”

This large-scale partnership is designed to promote and facilitate the re- and upskilling of the European creative workforce. In addition, this partnership is established to support the goals of this C-P4S Manifesto, which aims to share and pool resources, and participate in the specific initiatives and actions it promotes.

All organisations that endorse this ‘Creative Pact for Skills Manifesto’ will automatically be part of the ‘large-scale skills partnership for the Cultural and Creative Industries ecosystem’ and be kept informed of the further developments.

This creative pact for skills (C-P4S) manifesto is organized as endorsed by various cultural and creative organizations. This process was launched as a bottom-up initiative and maintained from November 2021 to February 2022 and builds on the Pact for Skills organised by the European Commission.

Creative Pact for Skills Manifesto

What does the Pact for Skills offer?

<aside> 💡 Networking hub including the support in finding partners and first meetings of the partnerships.....


<aside> 💡 Knowledge hub including: webinars, seminars and peer learning activities, .....


<aside> 💡 Guidance and resources hub including: access to information on relevant EU funding


For more information please visit the official Pact For Skills Homepage of the European Commission.

Pact For Skills FAQ

How to endorse the Creative Pact for Skills Manifest?

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<aside> 💡 Firstly: Join the Pact for skills by the European Commission


The European Commission has launched the Pact for Skills, to create a shared engagement model for skills development in Europe throughout 14 different industrial sector ecosystems.

Companies, workers, national, regional and local authorities, social partners, cross-industry and sectoral organisations, education and training providers, chambers of commerce and employment services all have a key role to play.

To support a fair and resilient recovery and deliver on the ambitions of the green and digital transitions and of the EU Industrial and SME Strategies, the Commission invites public and private organisations to join forces and take concrete action to upskill and reskill people in Europe.

Go to the application for the Pact for Skills

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<aside> 💡 Secondly: If you already assigned to the Pact for Skills you can endorse the Creative Pact for Skills (C-P4S) Manifesto


Read carefully the Creative Pact for Skills (C-P4S) Manifesto and if you agree with the text and wish to support the C-P4S please join our Large-Scale Partnership.

→ Text of the Creative Pact for Skills (C-P4S) Manifesto

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<aside> 💡 Thirdly: Join the large-scale skills partnership for the Cultural and Creative Industries Ecosystem.


You and your organisation can simply join this large scale partnership by endorsing and signing the Creative Pact for Skills (C-P4S) Manifesto.

For signing and endorsing the C-P4S please fill in the form from below.

The partnership will be formally launched on the 28th of April 2022 and announced by the European Commission through press releases and social media.

The C-P4S Manifesto is officially published on the EU Pact for Skills website : Please note that the large-scale skills partnership will remain open after its formal launch and that your organisation is welcome to join at a later stage if you haven’t joined yet. From now on, to support the manifesto and join the partnership, organisations are kindly asked to fill in the online form available below. New applications will be reviewed regularly (tentative timeframe: every quarter)