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This year's #ECIS22 GREEN Conference stands for the re-imaginationre-focusing and re-framing of policies for the cultural creative sectors and industries (CCSI). This conference is about green transformation in our industry and creative sector. During this #ECIS22 we will discuss the contribution of CCIs to the Green Transition with the guiding question for the next decade:

How can CCSI contribute to the race to zero emissions and make Europe the first climate-neutral continent?

The #ECIS22 consits of four parts and starts with the ECIS Assembly on the 21st of April, the United Nations Day for Creativity and Innovation, includes four break out sessions (BoS) on the 9th of May and 12th of June and ends on the 21st to the 23rd of September at the final #ECIS22 conference in Prague.

<aside> ↗️ This year's European Creative Industries Summit (#ECIS22) "GREEN" is a collaborative event of the European Creative Business Network (ECBN), Creative Prague & Creative Industries Styria. It is organized under the auspices of the Czech EU Presidency 2022 and is funded by Kreativwirtschaft Austria and Creative Prague.


Who we are

Tickets for #ECIS22

#ECIS22 Social Media Kit


ECBN embarked in 2020 to revise its own advocacy strategy for CCSI and putting Climate Change and the SDG at the centre of all its topics and actions - reaching from Business Promotion, Innovation Support to Skills Development: It is about the Great Green Opportunities the Tripple Transformations - Digital, Green and Social - open up for the stakeholders in CCSI, while not neglecting the upheavals and obstacles to overcome: to solve exactly systemic difficulties is the capacity for new services and markets driven by creativity and culture. As in the past CCSI has been early adopter and testbed for new societal and technological solutions - from online education and streaming today back to the printing press, many sectors of CCSI are now again part and partner in early technological as well as service solutions to tackle climate change.

